LucidID will not scan:
Solution: Check that the collection ID is populating within the inventory record, if there is not collection ID populating, re-enter the caseID to the correct inventory record (either by scanning caseID, or entering caseID short code)
I’m getting an error message when I try to scan a LucidID at checkout. What could be going on?
Here are some reasons for an error message:
- The user is not logged into the Google Chrome extension. Click on the Google Chrome Extension and follow the instructions to log back in.
- The LucidID may not have been associated to the CaseID:
- Solution: You have the option to associate LucidIDs with CaseIDs through the LucidRetail mobile app.
- Solution: You have the option to associate LucidIDs with CaseIDs through the LucidRetail mobile app.
LucidID showing up as incorrect product:
- Confirm that the CaseID was scanned into the correct inventory record, if not:
- Scan the lucidID in inventory search bar to bring up the associated product, then remove caseID
- Scan/ manually enter caseID into the correct product.
- Scan the lucidID in inventory search bar to bring up the associated product, then remove caseID
- Use LucidRetail Mobile’s quick scan feature to check that the brand labeled the product with the correct LucidIDs
- If not, reach out to the brand (cc’ing Lucid Green Rep) to let them know of the error. For those products, you will have re-sticker them in order to scan at checkout.
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