Lab Analysis Approval
LucidSource Touchless COA functionality enables your brand to receive digital copies of the data contained in a COA, and have that data (including a copy of the PDF printable COA) loaded automatically.
With touchless COA enabled for your brand, lab analyses are sent to your account on LucidSource automatically by your testing lab(s). Laboratory data integration allows specific batch data to match up with an each affixed with a LucidID. Additionally, this function enables the Lab Analysis approval workflow within LucidSource, enabling you to convert a Lab Analysis record into a Digital COA for use in printing.
Note: Should an issue arise with the lab integration, the Lab Analysis will be manually uploaded through our third-party data entry team. This is in place to maintain an uninterrupted workflow, maintaining the efficiency.
Log into Lucid Source —> Click “Lab Analyses” on the top left column
Review the COA data
Select "Approve Lab Analysis" on the top right if all of the data is satisfactory
All Done! This data will now be uploaded to LucidSource.
After you have approved the Lab analysis, the next step would be to edit the batch and add the packaged product via LucidSource.
Lab Analysis: Updates & Replacement
If your brand plans to use RND test results for the initial print of LucidID’s, the results displayed to the consumer can be replaced with the final COA via the replacement feature.
Step 1: Approve the final COA via the standard Lab Analyses approval process.
Step 2:Select “Batches” on the left hand navigation. Type the Batch ID that you are looking to update into the search bar.
Step 3:Scroll down the page to locate the “Packaged Product”. Then, select “Edit” (see example image below).
Step 4: Check off the COA that you would like to have displayed to the consumer. Next, select “Update Packaged Product” and you are all set! The updated COA will immediately be reflected when the LucidID is scanned.
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