If you would like to delete your LucidID account, please follow these steps:
- Verify the phone number associated with your account. You can do so by tapping on the photo or person icon on the top right of the screen when the LucidID App is open.
- Use the Ticket Submission form on our Help Center to contact our support team and let us know you want to remove your account, and include your phone number.
- We will reply to you to confirm that you want to remove the account, and if you assent, we will close your account and remove it.
The removal of your account is permanent.
Note: that due to the nature of how the LucidID app works, your information may be retained for a period of time in our system backups from previous days. All data should be removed once our backups expire after 90-120 days. Additionally, your scan and BudPoint claim activity will be retained, but will be anonymized and your account information and any PII will be removed from any records.
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