Step 1: Click on “Inventory Audit Reports” and (if multiple available) select Dispensary from dropdown
Step 2: Click “Create Inventory Audit Report” button
Step 3: Name the report, add a summary and click “Add Audit Sessions” (or cancel)
Step 4: You will see a list of active Inventory Audit Captures, in descending order by date. Click "Add" next to each session you would like to include. You have the option to remove sessions as well. Then click “Create Inventory Audit Report” (or cancel).
Step 5: Once you click the button “Create Inventory Audit Report”, the data is compiled, and you will be brought back to the list of audit reports. You can select the Report you just created at the top by clicking the name.
Step 6: This takes you to the Audit Reports section. If you have admin access to more than one dispensary, you can select a dispensary from the dropdown. Otherwise, the dispensary associated with your account will appear.
You have the option to create a report or search through existing reports.
Select a Report from the list by clicking on the Name.
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