LucidRetail Web
LucidRetail Mobile
- LucidRetail Mobile: Quick Scan
- LucidRetail Mobile: Mark LucidID as Not Sold
- LucidRetail Mobile: Steps to find a missing or illegible CaseID
- LucidRetail Mobile: Validate CaseID
- LucidRetail Mobile: Add LucidIDs to CaseIDs
- LucidRetail Mobile: Using a Scanner with your LucidRetail Mobile App
Inventory Auditing and Cycle Counting with LucidRetail Mobile and LucidRetail
- Inventory Auditing: Capture Sessions
- Inventory Auditing: Reporting in LucidRetail
- Inventory Auditing: Viewing and editing an Audit report
- Inventory Auditing: Downloading an Audit Report
- Inventory Auditing: Archiving Capture Sessions
- Inventory Auditing: Locking an Inventory Audit Report