If you have not created a virtual manifest yet, please follow the steps in this article first: Received Inventory Scanning: Creating a Virtual Manifest
- Open your LucidRetail Mobile app and click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner:
- Click on "Virtual Manifests":
- Click on the Manifest you wish to view:
- Here is what the virtual manifest will look like:
- "Split CaseIDs" allows you to split CaseIDs into multiple packages if needed
Note: This is only needed if package UIDs have not been assigned to each individual CaseID
- For example: You received multiple CaseIDs of the same packaged product, but they have a different package UID and line item for each CaseID on the physical manifest. If all CaseIDs grouped together on the virtual manifest, you would split them into different line items to be able to assign the correct package UIDs to each CaseID.
- "Find Associated CaseIDs" lets you use your device camera to visually see which CaseIDs are associated with this manifest:
Note: Green over the QR code means that CaseID is associated with the manifest. Red over the QR code means that CaseID is not associated:
- "Unassign Package" will remove the package UID from the line item
- "Reject Package" works the same as above
- "Scan Additional CaseIDs" will allow you to continue adding CaseIDs to this manifest
- "Remove a CaseID works the same as above
- "Done" will finalize changes and close out of the virtual manifest view
Now you can go to your inventory terminal to ingest the CaseIDs from the virtual manifest by follow the steps in this article: Received Inventory Scanning: Ingesting CaseIDs from a Virtual Manifest
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