Table of Contents
- LucidSource
Product Upload
- Reward Products
- Lab Analysis Approval
- Batch Upload
- BarTender Printing
- User Permissions
- CaseID scanning - LucidSource Mobile App
- Scanning LucidIDs into Cases
- Navigation & LucidMobile Features
- Printing LucidID Labels Directly From The LucidMobile App
- CaseID Scanning
- Label Printing
- Using The Lucidcapture Scanner
- Label Template Management
- LucidConnect
- LucidID App
- LucidInsights for Brands
- FAQ - Printing
LucidSource is our key database that connects all critical product data across your SKUs, including syncing of information for laboratory data.
This technology platform utilizes a unique code to tie the entire cannabis ecosystem together from production to consumption. The power of the Lucid Green platform are fungible universal product codes (F-UPC) called LucidIDs. These LucidIDs appear on cannabis packaging and cases and are unique to each item. For brands, distributors, and retailers, LucidIDs provide complete supply chain support and inventory management.
The first step to getting started is logging into LucidSource. For LucidSource access, please provide you and your teams full name and email address by reaching out to Once your team provides this information, a welcome email to LucidSource with login instructions will be sent over. Each team member will have their own unique login and password associated with their account.Product Upload
Brands have the ability to add, edit, and manage new and existing SKUs within the source as a part of our Asset Management feature.
This will allow brands to immediately add new products as they come in, and completely customize their product pages with new marketing materials. Below please find the steps where you will add and/or edit new and existing assets that are already in LucidSource for your current product pages. You can use this as your brand specific asset management tool, and a way to quickly and easily upload assets and find them for later use.
When you select the "Products" tab you will be brought to all the products you currently have in LucidSource. You can search for existing products, or add new ones within this tab.
Log into the Source —> Click “Products” on the top left colummSelect "Create Product" on the top right
Fill in fields accordingly.
*Required Fields Below. All other fields are optional.
Product Type
Available On
Please find some examples below for your reference:
> Brand: The Brand that the sku belongs to
> Product type: Select from dropdown menu. If the product is a vape, select “vape”. If it is a flower product, select “flower”.
> Available On: Select the current date of when the product is being added to LucidSource
> Name: Sku Name
> Variety: Select either Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa
> SKU: Fill in the given Sku Name
> Usage: Select either Recreational or Medical from the dropdown menu
> Product Line: Fill in the name of the product line in which the given sku is associated with
> Strain: Fill in the strain name for the given sku
Select “Create New” and then add text in boxes provided.Name: Fill in the product name and then add description. For example, if the product is called “Lucid Pre-Roll”, the name here would be “Lucid Pre-Roll Description”.
Fill in package size details according to the product.
For example, if the product serving size is 1g per serving, you would fill in 1g in the package size section, and then the given servings per package. Please note, the UPC and barcode sections are not mandatory fields.
Usage Recommendation: Select "Create New" and then add text in the boxes provided.
Name: Fill in the product name and then add the usage recommendation. For example, if the product is called “Lucid Pre-Roll”, the name here would be “Lucid Pre-Roll usage recommendation”.
Positive Effects: Select 3 effects from dropdown menu.
Ingredients: If you would like to add ingredients, select any major food allergens that are contained in this product. The ingredients can be specified by either selecting the items from the options below, or by creating a text asset below.
Select "Create Product" which will save the product in LucidSource
To add Images: Select "Assets". Next, upload the Thumbnail, Banner and Primary Images.
The Thumbnail & Primary are the same image, and the Banner is a 3x1 version of that image. These image uploads are typically a square product photo. These images will enhance the user experience in and out of the store, as it creates a more detailed user friendly page on our app. Overall, consumers get access to all the relevant information they need to have a safe, consistent and enjoyable experience by scanning the LucidID on the cannabis product on their phone.
Select "Publish" on the top right of the page to make product visible to users.
This example displays how all of the information and photos are assembled to enhance the user experience on the LucidID app.
As seen above, the banner image is displayed across the top of the page, which is the reason for the 3x1 imagine requirements. One scan includes authenticating the product, accessing COA information, dosage and effect information and claiming rewards points.
Product Upload - BudPoint Rewards
If your brand is set up with our reward program, BudPoint values are required in order to publish your product page. Assigning points to each product scanned and verified through the LucidID scan is a core consumer action on the platform.
Select the BudPoint Rewards tab
Next, select “Edit BudPoint Rewards” on the top right of the page
Fill in the below sections accordingly and select “Update Product Rewards”. Please note, the BudPoint values will be determined during the LucidConnect setup
Next, select “Publish” on the top right of the page and the product is all set!
Promotion Request
To set up a brand promotion select “Promotions” under the rewards section on the left hand navigation.
Next, select “Request Promotion” in the top right corner. This will bring you directly to the Promotion Request Form.
Fill out promotion request form accordingly. Consumers can then scan on-pack QR codes for brands to deliver information and a chance for loyal consumers to earn rewards for their favorite brands.
Reward Products
To add reward products, select “Reward Products” on the left hand side under the Rewards heading.
Next, select “Create Reward Product”.
Fill in information accordingly. Once all information has been added, scroll down and click “Create Reward Product” and the product will be saved in the system.
Reward orders
Select “Reward Orders” under the Rewards heading to review current reward orders that have been placed and shipped.
This allows you to track and mark off which shipments are complete, as well as view the orders that have not been addressed.
Lab Analysis Approval
LucidSource Touchless COA functionality enables your brand to receive digital copies of the data contained in a COA, and have that data (including a copy of the PDF printable COA) loaded automatically.
With touchless COA enabled for your brand, lab analyses are sent to your account on LucidSource automatically by your testing lab(s). Laboratory data integration allows specific batch data to match up with an each affixed with a LucidID. Additionally, this function enables the Lab Analysis approval workflow within LucidSource, enabling you to convert a Lab Analysis record into a Digital COA for use in printing.
Please Note that should an issue arise with the lab integration, the Lab Analysis will be manually uploaded through our third-party data entry team. This is in place to maintain an uninterrupted workflow, maintaining the efficiency.
Log into Lucid Source —> Click “Lab Analyses” on the top left column
Review the COA data
Select "Approve Lab Analysis" on the top right if all of the data is satisfactory
All Done! This data will now be uploaded to LucidSource.
After you have approved the Lab analysis, the next step would be to edit the batch and add the packaged product via LucidSource.
Lab Analysis: Updates & Replacement
If your brand plans to use RND test results for the initial print of LucidID’s, the results displayed to the consumer can be replaced with the final COA via the replacement feature.
Step 1: Approve the final COA via the standard Lab Analyses approval process.
Step 2: Select “Batches” on the left hand navigation. Type the Batch ID that you are looking to update into the search bar.
Step 3: Scroll down the page to locate the “Packaged Product”. Then, select “Edit” (see example image below).
Step 4: Check off the COA that you would like to have displayed to the consumer. Next, select “Update Packaged Product” and you are all set! The updated COA will immediately be reflected when the LucidID is scanned.
Batch Upload
Next, click “Edit Batch” on the top right hand corner.
Fill in fields accordingly. These data fields are brand specific, and will be covered throughout the onboarding process. At this time, we will determine which fields will require data, and which will not.
The search bar makes looking up the specific product quick and easy! Once you locate the product you are associating to the batch, hit the blue Select button.
Fill in fields accordingly.
Check off the box to associate the COA to the given product.
Click “Add Packaged Product” to save. After this you are all set!
Label Generation
Select LucidID Labels on the left hand side of LucidSource under Printing.
Product: Select the product to be printed from the drop down menu.
Batch: Select the Batch ID to be printed from the drop down menu.
Digital COA: Select the Digital COA to be associated with the labels.
- (If multiple Digital COAs are present, select the correct Digital COA)
Single Transfer Regulator UID or Multiple LucidIDs per Transfer Regulator UID:
- Single Transfer Regulator UIDs are used when printing batches of labels without a Transfer Regulator UID or only a singular Transfer Regulator UID
- Multiple LucidIDs per Transfer Regulator UID are used when Transfer UIDs are known and need to be printed on the labels as variable data, typically used in Michigan, Arkansas or Biotrack states.
Total Number of LucidID Labels: Fill in desired amount of labels you wish to print.
- (As each label is completely unique due to the LucidID, we need to specify the total number of labels for the batch that we are printing)
Transfer Regulator UID.
- (This is not a required field, our onboarding team will identify if this field is required and explain the use)
Label Output
- During the onboarding process our team will identify which output process will be used and train the printing team on the use of it. Custom label templates are used in most cases, alternative printing methods require additional set up and changes and would be discussed during onboarding.
- Select the BarTender printing option on the right.
- Select the BarTender template that will be used for printing
- Select the Printer that will be used from the BarTender Integration drop down list:
- This is the name of the printer being used on the local printing system and requires an exact name match
- (If your printer does not show in this list, please submit a support request to have your printer added to the system.)
Label Preview
On the next page you will be provided with a preview of the Label if using Custom Templates or a preview of the data being passed if using BarTender or NiceLabel templates, as well as the batch information, the associated COA and how the labels are being printed:
This is a preview of a Custom Template, this preview uses live batch and COA data, so the printing team can confirm that the data and layout are accurate before printing labels:
After verifying the information in the preview window, you will have two options at the bottom of the page, you can either generate preview labels, or you can Confirm Preview and Create LucidID Labels.
Downloading 10 Preview LucidID Labels allows you to download a PDF to test print for alignment and spacing, These are NOT valid LucidIDs, and will replace the standard look of a LucidID to avoid confusion with preview labels.
This is what a placeholder LucidID looks like:
When satisfied with the LucidID Labels, or to bypass the preview step, click the “Confirm Preview and Create LucidID Labels” button.
- LucidIDs will not be created until the “Confirm Preview and Create LucidID Labels” button is clicked.
- Final LucidID Labels are then created and can be downloaded and printed for application on products.
Additional Printing Options
NiceLabel templates are an option for specific integrations with our partner IPSi
This solution would be discussed during your onboarding process and is only used in certain printing scenarios, if you have questions on this please contact your account manager or reach out to our team with a support request
Bring Your Own Label
Bring Your Own Label is a legacy solution used to provide exact LucidID placement on pre-generated PDFs of regulatory labels, using our custom templates is the replacement for this option.
User Permissions
Each brand has one Admin status user available. This member has the ability to add users and provide teammates with whichever permissions are appropriate for their role.
Please note, these permissions can be modified at any time if circumstances change. To add new team members, please follow the below steps:
First, select Team Members on the left hand navigation.
Next, please select Add Team Member on the top right corner
Following this, fill out the details for the team member being added. Each field is required in order to add the team member.
Please be sure to turn on notifications for “lab analysis received” and “lab analysis approved” Next, click Add Team Member
3rd Party Users
Now that the team member has been added to LucidSource, select 3rd Party Brand Permissions on the top center of the page.
This will allow you to select the given permissions you would like the user to have. This will dictate which functions the user will have access to when they log into LucidSource. Depending on who is being added, please fill out the following fields accordingly:
On this page, you can select the permissions individually or you can select select “grant all” to provide the team member with all permissions. Below are the different sections available that must be chosen.
> Products: Permission to add, adjust and view products on LucidSource.
> Batches: Permission to add, adjust and view batches on LucidSource.
> Lab Analysis: Permission to view and approve incoming lab analysis.
> Reports: Permission to view all scan data by date.
> LucidID Labels: Permission to view and print LucidIDs.
> CaseID Labels: Permission to view and print CaseIDs.
> Promotions: Permission to view brand promotion details.
> Welcome Pages: Permission to view welcome pages.
> Reward Products: Permission to view reward products and offers.
> Reward Orders: Permission to view redemption orders.CaseID scanning - LucidSource Mobile App
The LucidSource Mobile App includes custom software written by Lucid Green that enables you to take items that already have LucidIDs and put them into a case that has a CaseID sticker on the outside.
This gives you the ability to access all of the information available in LucidSource in an accessible and easy to use way! Once fully scanned and sealed, the CaseID will be able to be used to address all LucidIDs contained in the sealed case. Additionally, the LucidMobile App allows you associate the given METRIC ID to a case with one quick scan.
Login to LucidSource Mobile App:
While Logged into your LucidSource account on the web, please visit this link for directions to download and login to the mobile app
Login to LucidSource App Option 2:
After Downloading the App
- Open the LucidSource App
- Tap the "Sign-in with Sign-in code" button and follow the intructions
- Scan the QR code from the LucidSource app that looks like the one below:
To use successfully, you can follow the steps below to:
Print CaseIDs for application on the outside of cases
Use the Quick Scan feature to make sure they are associated with the CaseID on the outside of the case
Validate that the CaseID contains a reference to all of the contained LucidIDs (optional)
Printing CaseIDs from LucidSource
Lucid Green recommends printing a set of CaseID labels in advance of using the LucidSource Mobile App. You can print out a stack of CaseID labels and keep them prepared for casing products since they are not activated until they are used with LucidCapture, and can be kept prepared for weeks or months until they are used.
To print CaseID Labels, select the CaseID Labels entry on the side navigation in LucidSource.
Next, click the Create CaseID Labels button at the top right corner of the CaseID list page.
On the Create CaseID Labels page, enter the number of CaseID labels you want to print and choose the printer integration you want to use to print the labels.
CaseIDs will be configured to print on labels that are different from LucidID regulatory labels. You must ensure that the printer selected is the correct printer with the correct label media loaded before printing. Select Create Lucid CaseID Labels and the labels should be printed automatically from the selected printer.
Using the LucidSource Mobile App
*Before scanning LucidIDs into a case, be sure to have the case prepared and assembled, a CaseID label printed and ready to apply, and gather the products that will be placed into the case, ensuring they already have LucidIDs.
Scanning LucidIDs into Cases
The LucidSource App enables you to scan LucidIDs when placing them into a case and link them to the CaseID on the outside of the sell pack. This CaseID can later be associated with a METRIC ID, making all of the key details available with one scan.
Quick Scan:
Use the camera access provided on the LucidSource Mobile app.
The Quick Scan of a CaseID works similarly to the scanning of a LucidID. With this, you can pull up and review each LucidID, as well as the total number of LucidIDs that have been associated to the master case.
Pack and Fill:
To begin filling the case, scan the CaseID you want to fill. Once the CaseID is scanned, proceed to scan all LucidIDs you want to pack within the case. Apply the CaseID label sticker to the outside of the case in its correct location. Once the CaseID is applied to the case, hit “start” and scan the CaseID with your mobile device. After the CaseID was successfully scanned, the app will present the option to begin scanning LucidIDs. Multiple IDs can get picked up with one scan to simplify the process. Proceed to scan the LucidIDs until the intended number of skus have been scanned. Once the intended number of skus are scanned into the Case, select Complete Case.
Associate Regulatory UID with CaseID:
To associate a CaseID with a METRIC ID, start by scanning the METRIC ID tag. Once it is validated, scan the CaseID(s) you want to associate with the METRIC ID and select confirm. Individual steps are provided below:
1. Scan MetricID
2. Scan the CaseID you want to associate the METRIC ID with. Please note, if you wish to add 10 CaseIDs to this METRIC ID, you only need to scan the METRIC ID once. All CaseID scans thereafter will be paired with that one METRIC ID. When the scan is successful, a green box will appear over the CaseID as an indication. If you attempt to scan a CaseID that has already been added, it will not add twice.
3. When finished, tap “complete” and the app will display the CaseIDs that will be associated to the METRIC ID. If it is satisfactory, select Confirm Associating a Regulatory ID.
In addition to the directions above, the METRIC ID can also be associated to a CaseID after the Case has been filled. In order to do so, follow the steps below:
On the left hand navigation menu, select Cases.
This will prompt you to select one of the following options where you can either Pack and Fill a case, Replace a Collection, Remove a LucidID from a Collection, or Associate a Regulatory ID.
Then tap Associate a Regulatory ID.
You will then be prompted to this screen. Select Start and then scan the METRIC ID, followed by the CaseID that you want to associate with this METRIC ID.
Example: Scan the METRIC ID. Once validated, proceed to scan the CaseID. Once these steps have been completed, the METRIC ID will be associated to the given CaseID when the CaseID is scanned.
Remove LucidID from CaseID:
To remove a LucidID from a collection, start by scanning the CollectionID you want to remove the LucidID from. Once it is validated, scan the LucidID you want to remove and select confirm. That LucidID will no longer be accounted for in that given Case, and can then be scanned into another CaseID.
Replace CaseID:
To replace an old collection with a new collection, start by scanning the old CollectionID. Once the old CollectionID is validated, scan the new CollectionID and confirm replacement. Replacing a collection will transfer all the old LucidIDs from the old collection to the new collection.
Replace LucidID:
To replace an old LucidID with a new LucidID, start by scanning the old LucidID. Once the old LucidID is validated, scan the new LucidID and confirm replacement. Replacing a LucidID will copy all collections from old LucidID to the new LucidID.
Remove LucidID from CaseID:
The “Validate CaseID” feature provides a mechanism to check the CaseID and verify that the contents are correct. In addition, there will be a validation record displayed that will highlight any discrepancies in the case that need to be resolved, along with easy resolutions for those discrepancies.
How to validate a CaseID:
- To Validate a CaseID, start by clicking “Validate CaseID” within the home menu of LucidSource Mobile.
- Next, scan the CaseID you want to validate. Then, scan all of the LucidIDs within the case.
- Once all of the LucidIDs have been scanned, click “Finish Capturing LucidIDs”.
- Once that has been clicked, the validation record will be generated.
- The validation record will show any errors found with the case, along with the instruction as to how to resolve the errors.
- Once all the discrepancies have been resolved, the Case will be confirmed.
Resolve for Extra LucidIDs
- Users will have the option to either add the extra LucidIDs to the CaseID or ignore the discrepancy and leave the CaseID unchanged
- To add the extra LucidIDs to the CaseID, select the “Add” button that appears next to each LucidID.
- If the user does not wish to add these LucidIDs to the CaseID, the user can simply physically remove them from to resolve the error
Resolve for Missing LucidIDs
- To remove missing LucidIDs from the Case, users can select the “Remove from Case” button, which will disassociate the LucidID from the CaseID.
- Since the LucidID is not physically present, it cannot be physically added to the case. However, users will have the option to ignore the discrepancy by selecting “Ignore LucidID.” This will keep the LucidIDs associated to the CaseID, but they will remain physically missing
- There is no further action to resolve this error. The LucidIDs are not present in the case, so they have already been physically removed.
Resolving LucidIDs Already Associated to a CaseID
As previously outlined, a LucidID can only be associated and “belong” to a single CaseID. When a user builds and then confirms a case, the LucidSource Mobile app will automatically check the LucidIDs to verify that none of them are already associated to another CaseID. If any LucidIDs are found to already have an existing association, the app will present those LucidIDs so the user can choose which CaseID the LucidID should belong to.
Navigation & LucidMobile Features
The left hand navigation provides access to each feature available on LucidSource, only it is now on your mobile device! With this, you can view Product Pages, Batches, Digital COA’s, Lab Analyses, LucidID Labels, LucidIDs, Cases, Collections and Printing LucidID’s.
Printing LucidID Labels Directly From The LucidMobile App
The LucidMobile App allows you to print from your mobile device if you prefer. Please follow the steps below when printing LucidID labels from the LucidSource Mobile App.
To print CaseID Labels, select the CaseID Labels entry on the side navigation in LucidSource.
You will then be prompted to a screen with recent batches that have previously been created.
Select the given batch that you intend to print.
Next, you will be promoted to a confirmation button.
You are all set! The print job has been sent to the printer.
CaseID Scanning
Once individual packages need to be placed into sell packs, brands need to simply scan each LucidID for the units being added to the sell packs.
The brand then scans the CaseID on the sell pack, and that LucidIDs critical information is integrally linked to that sell pack CaseID. Throughout the next step of shipping to distribution, distribution partners can scan the LucidID sell packs coming in, and ensure METRC ID is married to each product at the order level before it ships to retail.
LucidID’s are unique QR codes integrated into your regulatory labels, and added to each unit you produce. CaseID’s differ because they are completely agnostic QR codes when first printed. In order to activate the CaseID, the scanner must be used, associating the individual each to that sell pack.
1. Print CaseIDs for application on the outside of cases
2. Use the LucidCapture scanning device while placing items into the case to make sure they are associated with the CaseID on the outside of the case
3. Validate that the CaseID contains a reference to all of the contained LucidIDs (optional)
You can print out a stack of CaseID labels and keep them prepared for casing products since they are not activated until they are used with LucidCapture, and can be kept prepared for weeks or months until they are used.
To Print CaseID Labels, please reference this section
Using The LucidCapture Scanner
Using the LucidCapture Scanner
*Before scanning LucidIDs into a case, be sure to have the case prepared and assembled, a CaseID label printed and ready to apply, and gather the products that will be placed into the case, ensuring they already have LucidIDs.
Scanning LucidIDs into Cases
To use the LucidCapture scanner, make sure it is charged and then turn it on. When turned on, the screen of the LucidCapture scanner should look like this screenshot. To start LucidCapture, tap on the LucidCapture icon.
LucidCapture will present a welcome screen with a button titled Tap Here to Start Scanning Cases. To start scanning cases, tap that button.
Once the CaseID is applied to the case, use the trigger grip on the LucidCapture scanner, point the front of the LucidCapture scanner at the CaseID label, and pull the trigger. Pulling the trigger when LucidCapture is on this screen will activate the built-in QR code scanner and will scan the CaseID.
If the CaseID was scanned successfully, you will see a green screen that says "SCAN SUCCESSFUL!" at the bottom.
LucidCapture will next present a screen to scan LucidIDs.
Take the first item that will be placed in the case and locate the LucidID on it. Then, holding it in your hand or placing it on a table, and making sure no other items are nearby, use the LucidCapture device trigger to scan that LucidID.
Duplicate Scans
* If you scan the same LucidID more than once into a case, you will see a message that says "This LucidID is already in this case". This message indicates that you've already scanned that item into this case.
DON'T WORRY! Scanning an item more than once won't cause any problems, however you should make sure you don't skip any items otherwise they won't be tracked with the CaseID and won't be usable by retailers and distributors!
If the LucidID was scanned successfully, you will see a green screen that displays the updated quantity of LucidIDs scanned into this case (it should go up by one each time you scan a new LucidID) and a message that says "SCAN SUCCESSFUL!".
The screen will then return to the previous screen automatically to allow you to scan another LucidID into the case.
Once you've confirmed that the quantity of scanned items matches the actual number of items in the case, tap the Complete Case button.
A message box will display asking you to confirm that you want to complete scanning of the case. If you're ready to complete the case, tap the Complete Case button in the message box.
LucidCapture will return to the welcome screen where you can start the process of scanning CaseIDs again.
LucidCapture will also upload the captured CaseID and LucidIDs in the background. You can continue to use LucidCapture while this occurs.
Label Template Management
In order to correctly setup the Label Templates, we need to understand what data will be variable and what will be static. The Static data will always be the same on the label file (embedded) while the variable data will be included in the package coming from the source and has to be set as a database field.
We will need the following details:
> Product / Bartender Template Name: Please include information for each product/template name if the values to the right are different among different templates. Ex: Vape Cartridge
> Label Stock Manufacturer & Product Number: Please include the label stock manufacturer and product number or ID. If known, please include a URL to the product description. Ex: Avery #94282
> Label Size (Width x Length): Please include printable label area: width and length. See sheet Example1 for illustration. Ex: 3.5" width x 1.5" length
> Media or Carrier Width: Please include media or carrier width of label. See Example sheet for illustration. Ex: 3.8" or 96.52mm
> Gap between labels: Please measure gap between labels. See sheet Example1 for illustration. Ex: 0.125" or 38.1mm
> Margin (Top and Bottom): See Example 2. Ex: 1.125"
> Margin (Left and Right): See Example 2. Ex: 1.125"
> Sheet Size: Ex: 8-1/2" x 11"
> Labels per Sheet: Ex: 10
> Rows: Ex: 5
> Columns: Ex: 2
> Color codes: Include special color requirements in HEX or RGB value. Ex: rgb(244, 203, 156)
> Images for Labels: If labels contain photos, please share them with us and reference photo with the appropriate label name. Vape Cartridge = Photo1.jpg
> Abbreviations: Include anything that can be abbreviated. See example. Ex: Best by -> BB
> Printer Name: Please include printer name exactly as it appears on Windows OS. Ex: Printer1
You can find more information on LucidConnect here
LucidID App
You can find more information on the LucidID App here
Retail Sales Reporting
Retail Sales Reporting combines Sell-In and Sell-Out sales data! This reporting tool provides you with an important understanding of your products’ performance in the retail market (sell-out) and offers valuable insights for inventory management (sell-in).
Key Insights
- By utilizing CaseIDs, we now offer comprehensive insights into the ever changing retail landscape, enabling you to optimize your strategies, boost sales, and establish a strong brand presence in the market.
- Through careful analysis of sell-out data, you gain unparalleled insights into the performance of each individual unit or case across different stores, regions, and retailers.
- By leveraging sell-out data, you can easily identify which products are selling well and which ones may need extra attention, facilitating accurate inventory forecasting. Armed with this knowledge, you can optimize your inventory management, plan promotions, and ensure that your products are consistently available in high demand areas.
First, select “Retail Sales” on the left hand side under the Insights heading.
Next, you can create reports according to product line, retail location, product type, and also target specific dates. Should you decide to add a filter, the filters will remain in place when selecting wither Retail Sell-In or Retail Sell-Out.
Within the Retail Sales Reporting, brands will now have the ability to create and download reports pertaining to the number of Cases and LucidIDs that have been created during a specific time period, and/or for specific batches.
LucidInsights for Brands
A powerful set of dashboards containing rich analytics and insights about a brand’s supply chain operations and consumer marketing.
Note: Brands have the ability and right to request their data in raw data format. This is a tremendous amount of data. One of the core value propositions for this product is to make this mountain of data useful and value add to our customers.
Prepare to Meet Your Loyal Customers
FAQ - Printing
Why can’t I print?
Is the printer connected to the computer? Are you able to send a test print page outside of Bartender?
If the above is successful, then please check to make sure you are signed in DropBox and have active internet connection.
Restart Bartender services by opening Administration Console-> Services-> Restart all the services and wait for them to come back green. If all services do not come back green, then please restart the computer and check if they are all showing green.
If for some reason all of the above does not help resolve the issue, please reach out to with an explanation of the issue. Please try to include as much information as possible.
For some reason when printing from the Source, some of the text and data is shifted out of place. What should I do?
Answer: Restart Bartender services by opening Administration Console-> Services-> Restart all the services and wait for them to come back green. If All services don't come back green, please restart computer. If for some reason it is still not working, please reach out to and we can hop on a call to troubleshoot.
There could be a few different things that affect this, but some of the most common are:
A change in the printer settings or printer misalignment.
A change in page size and dimensions from within the Bartender template.
The data that is being passed from Lucid Source contains more characters than what can fit on the template. For example, the template was designed to fit and print a THC value of x.x%, but Lucid Source is passing resulting in shifting of text.
The Template itself has been configured to auto shift text to fit a certain width.
FAQ - Product
Why is the product not available to select when I created a batch?
Answer: It could be one of three things
The product is either not added to LucidSource
The product has not been published
The BarTender template has not been associated with the product.
Please double check that the product has been published during the creation process. If it has not been published, it will not be available to select for printing. If the product is missing the BarTender template, please reach out to our team and we will associate the template.
I do not see the Publish option on the top right of LucidSource. What does that mean?
Answer: If the Publish option is not available, it likely means that the product page is not complete. If one of the required fields on the product page is not complete, then the Publish option will not appear. Please revisit the product page and make sure all of the details and product photos have been added.
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