Retail users can now Associate a Regulator UID to a CaseID and/or specific packaged products contained within the CaseID (in case it was not done correctly during packing).
- Click the “Associate Regulator UID with CaseID” button on the LucidRetail Mobile app
- An screen will launch with instructions, and also a “Start” button at the bottom of the screen
- Once the “Start” button is clicked, the user will be brought to the “Scan Regulator UID” page, where they can scan the Regulator UID they’d like to associate with the CaseID
- Once the Regulator UID is scanned, the user can then scan the CaseID
- Once the CaseID is scanned, if there is only one packaged product (all items being from the same batch) the Regulator UID will be associated to all of the LucidIDs within the CaseID
- If there are multiple packaged products, or a packaged product from multiple batches, the user must select which packaged product(s) to associate with the Regulator UID. These packaged products will be organized into “line items.”
- Once the packaged products have been chosen, the user can then click “Confirm Associating a Regulator UID
- A confirmation modal will appear, asking the user to confirm the association, or to cancel the session
- If confirmed, the Regulator UID will be associated to the LucidIDs associated with the CaseID
- From the confirmation screen, users can then either associate another Regulator UID, or click “Home” to return to the homepage.
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