In the event an employee leaves your company, or goes on an extended leave of absence, you can deactivate their user in the LucidRetail web portal and reactivate upon their return:
- Navigate to on your web browser and login.
- On the sidebar, scroll down and click on "Team Members" under "Company Settings"
- All users for your company will be displayed. You can select the user you want to edit from the list, or search for them:
- Click on the blue highlighted name of the user to navigate to this page:
- Click on the red button "Deactivate Team Member" in the upper right corner
- Confirm that you want to deactivate the team member, or cancel the process:
- The red button will turn green and say "Activate Team Member". This can be used to reactivate the user if they return to the company:
- You can see all deactivated users, and also search this list for a specific user:
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