This article goes over our updated Standard Cart workflow using LucidRetail LITE in Dutchie.
This new feature update also supports fulfillment checkout and periods of LucidRetail LITE service interruptions.
Updates to User Experience
When scanning a LucidID into your cart, this is the updated way it looks in Dutchie:
There is now a green outline around the line item. See below for other changes.
Manually Adjusting Item Quantity
The plus button allows you to increase the allocated inventory:
There is also a LucID icon indicating this product was imported using LucidRetail LITE.
NOTE: The trashcan icon is greyed out because there is a LucidID scanned for this line item.
Clicking the plus icon will increase the inventory allocation, but the outline will change to red, the green check icon will become a red "X", and you will see the number of LucidIDs scanned does not match the number of items in the cart for this line item:
The minus sign also becomes available:
NOTE: You can use the minus button to lower the quantity of products on this line item only for the number of items that do not have a LucidID scanned. In this example, we can only reduce the quantity to 1 using the minus button.
Scanning another LucidID of this product will bring back the green outline and green checkbox on the line item:
Removing Items From Cart
To remove scanned LucidIDs, it is best to use the Remove LucidID button and scan the LucidIDs you wish to remove. This is how you would remove individual LucidIDs from your cart at a time.
If you wish to remove the entire line item, you can click on the three dots, and then click on "Remove item":
This will also remove the scanned LucidIDs from this line item and make them available for scanning again.
Additionally, clear cart will also work as it has been, removing all products and scanned LucidIDs from the cart.
Manually Adding Items Using "Add Items"
Click on the "Add items" button at the top of your cart:
Search for the item you want to add:
You will see a red warning informing you that this package uses LucidIDs and requires scanning. You can also adjust the quantity of this product you wish to add to cart (this can also be adjusted in the cart as seen above).
When ready, click "Add to Cart" and you will see this message:
When you return to the cart, you will see your newly added item highlighted in red with a red "X" as well indicating a LucidID needs to be scanned for this line item:
Upon scanning the LucidID for this product, the cart will update to look like this:
When your line items of products using LucidIDs are outlined in green, you may proceed with checkout as normal.
If you click the checkout button while a line item is highlighted in red, you will see the following message:
The message will show all the products that use LucidIDs in the cart and show you the status of each line item.
If there are 0 LucidIDs missing and a green checkmark, this line item needs no additional scans.
If there are 1 or more LucidIDs missing and a red "X", you should scan those additional LucidIDs.
Scan LucidIDs
To go back and scan the missing LucidIDs, click on "Scan LucidIDs" to return to the cart:
Here you can either scan an additional LucidID for this product, or reduce the quantity to match the scanned LucidIDs as seen here:
You can checkout as normal:
Checkout without Scanning LucidIDs
If you proceed to checkout without scanning the LucidIDs then Dutchie will still deduct the correct number of products matching the value before the + sign:
IMPORTANT: The LucidIDs associated with those products will not be marked as sold and will not reflect in your LucidRetail sell through reports.
After clicking "Checkout without Scanning LucidIDs", you can checkout as normal:
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