This article outlines potential issues with the LucidRetail LITE extension and what steps to take to resolve them
Note: Screenshots will be in Google Chrome, but these instructions are similar for Microsoft Edge and Safari. Relevant articles for all three browsers are provided in this article.
An orange dot on the LucidRetail LITE icon at the top of your Dutchie page:
This means LucidRetail LITE is properly installed but is not signed-in and will not function properly.
Solution: Sign into the LucidRetail LITE extension:
To sign-in with appropriate code, go to the right of the task bar and select the LucidRetail LITE icon.
Click sign in with code, and enter the appropriate case sensitive code provided to you by your Lucid Green retail rep, via the pre-installation email.
Note: If you need this code provided to you, please send an email to with your dispensary information to have it provided.
After you sign in with the appropriate code, confirm that the correct location populates
Once signed in, refresh your POS system, and the LRL icon will appear with the green dot at the top of the inventory page
- Important for Google Chrome: Be sure to check that the correct Google Chrome profile is signed in. Instructions can be found here: LucidRetail LITE: Troubleshooting the Chrome Profile
A red outline on the LucidRetail LITE icon at the top of your Dutchie page:
This means there is newer version of LucidRetail LITE is available.
Solution: Update your extension on Google Chrome by either:
Removing then re-downloading the extension using the
Chrome extension download instructions.
- Manually updating the Chrome extension by following the instructions outlined in this article: Update LucidRetail LITE on Google Chrome
Update your extension on Microsoft Edge by removing the extension and re-downloading it by following these instructions: How to Install LucidRetail LITE chrome extension onto Microsoft Edge
Update your extension on iOS or Safari by following these instructions: Update LucidRetail LITE for Safari
A red X on the LucidRetail LITE icon at the top of your Dutchie page:
LucidRetail LITE is not properly installed on the page and will not function.
Solution: Refresh the screen to see if the red “X” removes itself, if not remove then re-download the LucidRetail LITE extension using the following instructions for your browser:
How to Install LucidRetail LITE Chrome Extension
How to Install LucidRetail LITE chrome extension onto Microsoft Edge
How to Install LucidRetail LITE on iOS Safari Browser
A gray dot on the LucidRetail LITE icon at the top of your Dutchie page:
LucidRetail LITE is properly installed but the status is still being determined. The status is checked and updated every 2 minutes. This has likely happened when opening a POS page and navigating away quickly and returning to the page displays a grey dot. Note that this only affects the current device (i.e. POS) and doesn't usually indicate an issue with the system.
To fix this, either refresh the page or wait 2 minutes for the status to be updated.
*Please note: You can also work with your Lucid Green representative to find solutions that best fit your operational needs.
A red dot on the LucidRetail LITE icon at the top of your Dutchie page:
LucidRetail LITE is properly installed but cannot communicate with LucidRetail and will not function properly
In the event that LucidRetail LITE experiences an outage, please use one of the following suggestions to complete check out of products with a LucidID.
Note: You can also work with your Lucid Green representative to find solutions that best fit your operational needs.
Short Term Outage (2 Hours or Less)
Suggestion 1: Manually check out products (works best for retailers who only have one batch of product on the floor at a time)
- Alert Lucid Green of the outage (, if LG hasn’t already reached out.
- Inform floor staff of outage and instruct them to manually enter all LucidID products from the search bar at POS checkout (if this feature is disabled, please enable it).
- By going through your POS Inventory Management and LucidRetail web platform (, identify the products with LucidIDs that are available for sale (both physically on the floor and in the sales room within POS).
- Inform floor staff of brands and products affected.
- Continuously check comms from Lucid Green for further instructions/fix confirmations.
Suggestion 2: Print single barcode for each affected SKU and place them either near the products or the register
- Alert Lucid Green of the outage (, if LG hasn’t already reached out.
- By going through your POS Inventory Management and/or LucidRetail web platform, identify the products with LucidIDs that are available for sale (both physically on the floor and in the sales room within POS).
- Once you’ve identified the affected products, go into the POS system to generate and print a single barcode(s) for each product and paste them on multiple sheets.
- Organize by brand and/or categories.
- Keep barcode printouts near register(s) or product(s) to use for check out/fulfillment until outage is resolved.
- Continuously check comms from Lucid Green for further instructions/fix confirmations.
Long Term Outage (2 Hours or More)
Suggestion: Sticker affected products with POS generated barcode
Alert Lucid Green of the outage (, if LG hasn’t already reached out.
Inform floor staff of outage and instruct them to: 1) manually enter all LucidID products from the search bar at POS checkout while barcodes are printed (if this feature is disabled, momentarily enable it)
By going through your POS Inventory Management and LucidRetail web platform, identify the products and batches with LucidIDs that are available for sale (both physically and digitally on the sales floor).
Determine how many batches will be needed to complete sales for that day
Determine how many batches will be needed to complete sales for that day
Sticker ONLY the identified batches for the day’s sales
Check out product using generated POS barcodes
- Continuously check comms from Lucid Green for further instructions/fix confirmations.
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