CaseID issues at POS intake (Using LRL mobile)
Empty CaseID
- Use LucidRetail Mobile to associate the appropriate LucidIDs with the CaseID: LucidRetail Mobile: Add LucidIDs to CaseIDs
Missing physical product
- Option 1: Use the LucidRetail Mobile validation feature to remove missing LucidIDs from CaseID prior to scanning in the CaseID: LucidRetail Mobile: Validate CaseID
- Option 2: Reach out to the brand to deliver the missing LucidIDs and set products aside until remaining LucidIDs arrive.
Too many physical product units
- Option 1: Use LucidRetail Mobile “Validate CaseID” to add the extra product units to the CaseID prior to scanning it in: LucidRetail Mobile: Validate CaseID
- Option 2: Reach out to the brand to take back the extra physical product and only scan in the associated CaseIDs
No digital COA
- Reach out to the brand and have them send over the COA via email
How CaseID affects quantity
- CaseID intake does not affect the quantity of products quantity within your Point Of Sale system.
Inventory collection doesn’t match —> You will receive notification asking you to click a link to repair the the sync with LRL:
My CaseID won’t scan. What could be going on?
CaseID is “empty” because it has not been activated/paired with individual LucidIDs so there’s no data for LucidRetail LITE to process.
- SOLUTION: Utilize the LucidRetail Mobile app to associate the LucidIDs on the product package with the empty CaseID: LucidRetail Mobile: Add LucidIDs to CaseIDs.
CaseID has been physically damaged resulting in the scanner not recognizing the CaseID:
- SOLUTION 1: Utilize the LucidRetail Mobile app to Quick Scan a LucidID inside the package to get a scannable QR code of the CaseID: LucidRetail Mobile: Steps to find a missing or illegible CaseID
- SOLUTION 2: Manually intake and sticker the item. Reach out to the brand and let them know about the issue.
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