There may be instances where you want to return product to the manufacturer (expiration date is coming up soon, product was damaged, mis-pack issues, etc.). In these cases, it is important to ensure that the CaseID is removed from any inventory records before sending it back.
Important: You will still have to follow the appropriate steps in your track-and-trace system (Metrc, Biotrack, etc.) and your inventory system (Dutchie, TREEZ, etc.) to return the package.
Note: You only need to follow these steps if you have imported the CaseID into an inventory record. If CaseIDs were not imported, there's no need to follow these steps.
Here are the steps to follow in LucidRetail LITE to remove a CaseID from an inventory record:
- Go to the inventory record of the package:
Note: You can scan a LucidID into the search bar to bring up the associated inventory record - Click on the CaseID button:
TREEZ: - This will open the CaseID window. If a CaseID was ingested, you will see product information. To remove the CaseID, click on the "Remove" button next to the CaseID you want to return to the manufacturer:
Note: If the pop up window looks like this, there is no CaseID associated with this inventory record:
You either need to check another inventory record, or this CaseID was not associated. - Confirm you wish to remove this CaseID in the pop-up:
- Upon successful removal of a CaseID, you will see this confirmation message:
- The CaseID is now ready to be sent back to the manufacturer
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